Greed – A Gentleman’s Drinking Game

Greed is an easy-to-learn dice game played in basements throughout Houghton. To play this drinking game, you will need five dice and your drink of choice. To start your turn, roll all five dice. You are looking for any of the following combinations of dice:

  • any number of 1’s or 5’s
  • three of a kind
  • four of a kind
  • five of a kind
  • straight

If you have any dice left over that aren’t counted for score, you may re-roll them to increase your score. At any time, you may end your turn to keep your score as long as you haven’t busted.  To bust, your roll must have resulted in no additional score.  Scoring is done as follows:

Value Score
1’s 100
5’s 50
3 1’s 1000
3 2’s 200
3 3’s 300
3 4’s 400
3 5’s 500
3 6’s 600
four of a kind value of 3 of a kind * 2
five of a kind value of 4 of a kind * 2
straight 100

Here comes the drinking part…

Once you voluntarily end your turn, you may give out 1 drink for every 100 points scored in your roll.  If your turn ended in a bust, you must take 1 drink for every 100 points in your score.  If you busted on all 5 dice, everybody drinks 1.  If any of the dice drop from the rolling surface, you drink one.

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