Category: News

  • Introducing Whipped Lightning!

    Just when you were sure they couldn’t get any more creative with our alcohol choices, a revolutionary idea like this lands on our doorstep.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce to you, Whipped Lightning!

    What, you ask, is this whipped lightning?

    Well kids, it’s alcoholic whipped cream.  They’ve even given it a name – Whipahol.  And with flavors like strawberry colada, amaretto, white chocolate raspberry, spiced vanilla, tropical passion, and coconut, it’s bound to be the “next big thing” in alcohol consumption.

    Imagine what your life would be like if you could add alcohol to anything that you can put whipped cream on!  Ice cream, pie, and hot chocolate would all become even more interesting.  There’s bound to be a bevy of new recipes that will include the new creation, teaching the world just how much we Americans like our fast, easy, and undetectable booze.  And we’ll drunkenly laugh while the world shakes its shameful head at us.

    Unfortunately this fantastic creation is not available in all 50 states yet (like Indiana), but if you’re lucky enough to live in a place where you are able to buy it, go out and pick up a can and start creating!

    For more information on Whipped Lightning Whipahol, check out their website.

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  • Who’s this Drink Publican?

    In case any of you were wondering who it is, Adrian has changed his name on the website to Drink Publican.  No, this is not a political statement. It is a term most commonly used in Great Britain and Ireland, referring to the owner or manager of a tavern or public house (pub).

    The job of the publican is to make sure that the overall tavern experience is an enjoyable one, providing a happy and comfortable atmosphere. As our website administrator and designer, the term fits Adrian’s role pretty splendidly.  If it weren’t for him, well, let’s just say the site would not be pretty.  He’s also the most lighthearted person at DM, and he certainly makes life in general a lot more fun.

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  • I heart Brewdog

    If you talk to me long enough about beer, you’ll learn that I have a mad crush on Scotland’s Brewdog Brewery.

    The reason for my crush is pretty basic.  These guys have some great big balls.

    In November of 2009, they released Tactical Nuclear Penguin, the world’s strongest beer to that date, with a total of 32% alcohol by volume (abv).  Yes, I said 32%.  That’s a little more than six times the abv of Bud Light (5.0%) and about eight times that of Miller Lite (4.2%).

    Then, in February 2010, Germany’s Schorschbrau Brewery released Schorschbock, with an abv of 40%, kicking the Brewdog boys right out of first place.

    Well, the guys at Brewdog refuse to be beat, and just weeks after the release of Schorschbock, they introduced a 41% abv brew called Sink the Bismarck, effectively crushing their German competition and cementing their place in beer brewing history.


    How could I NOT love them?

    Unfortunately, Sink the Bismarck is only available online (and is super expensive), and Tactical Nuclear Penguin is not available in any areas near me anymore (I recently moved from NYC to a small town in Indiana), but I’m confident that someday I will slowly sip the two awesome creations, as well as Brewdog’s other fantastic brews, while gazing over the marvelous Scottish countryside.  Or sitting in a pub.  Either way is fine with me.

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