Tag: dessert

  • On the ninth day of Christmas, Drink Matron gave to me: Chocolate Covered Brandy Cherries!

    chocolate covered cherriesChocolate Covered Brandy Cherries

    1 pound butter
    2 pounds of powdered sugar sifted
    2 tsp Vanilla (can be replaced with 2.5-3 tsp brandy, if you prefer)
    One large jar of whole maraschino cherries
    Several bars of good chocolate

    1. Drain the juice from the cherries and replace with brandy. Let them sit to develop flavor, the longer they sit, the stronger they’ll be. When you are ready to make the cherries drain (save the brandy for drinking). Place the cherries on a paper towel to let them dry.
    2. Soften your butter and gradually knead as much powdered sugar as you can until the dough is really stiff. Add a teaspoon of vanilla (or brandy). Continue to knead more powdered sugar until dough is stiff again. Repeat adding liquid and sugar.
    3. Take a small circle of dough and flatten in the palm of your hand. Place a cherry on the dough and wrap around until in a ball. If you don’t completely cover the cherry it will leak. Place cherries on a tray and chill as they will be warm from your hands.
    4. In small batches, melt the chocolate in the microwave in 15 second intervals, stirring each time. Do not allow the chocolate to get too hot, or it will become grainy.
    5. Dip cherries in the melted chocolate, covering completely. Remove from chocolate with toothpicks. Set on wax paper on a cookie sheet and chill until firm. Enjoy.