Tag: Dogfish Head

  • Drink Matron’s Top 5 Craft Beers

    Drink Matron’s Top 5 Craft Beers

    bells-oberonI love craft beer. If you find me in a bar, you will most likely find me with whatever local brew they have on tap. I’m not a dick about it, I just like beer and I like drinking stuff I’ve never had before. I wasn’t always that way, I drank Bud Light religiously for much of my early 20s. It wasn’t until I realized the bevy of what was out there, and the difference between what I liked and didn’t, that I put down the watery standard. Along the way, I’ve picked up some favorites, and since it’s National Beer Day, I thought I’d share them with you. I do not have the kind of pallet that can give you any real incite into why I like what I like, but I think my preferences are pretty solid.

    1. Oberon Ale/Bell’s Brewery, Inc.

    Bell’s Brewery’s summer seasonal is not only the first craft beer I ever loved, it also remains my favorite to this day. Smooth and fruity, it’s perfect for any summer night, especially one on the patio. I’ve been missing this brew, but now that Bell’s has come to NYC, you can be sure it will be back in my hand.

    2. Baba Organic Black Lager/Uinta Brewing Company

    This black lager hooked me the moment it touched my lips. It’s dark and creamy, but also light weight and straight up tasty. You can bet that if it’s on tap, it’s in my glass.

    3. Duvel/Duvel Moortgat

    It’s Duvel. Do I have to say more?

    4. 90 Minute IPA/Dogfish Head Craft Brewery

    Of Dogfish’s minute brews, I have found that 90 minute suits me best. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take 120 any day – I like any strong IPA – but this one is just right for me.

    5. Two Hearted IPA/Bell’s Brewery, Inc.

    It wasn’t named the best IPA in the world for nothing. If you’ve never had it, you’re either a) not in an area where it’s distributed or b) crazy or c) not into IPAs (and that’s okay, but you should still try it). The next time you see this on tap/in a store/at a bbq, etc, drink it.


  • Discovery’s Brew Masters Canceled?

    Let me start by saying that I hate how alarmist the Internet can be and I don’t subscribe to that sort of journalism.  That being said I would be remiss if I didn’t say that all of this is UNCONFIRMED at this time.

    This fall, Discovery came out with a new show called Brew Masters which follows Sam Calgione, founder of Dogfish Head Brewery, and his staff while they take care of the day to day operation of a microbrewery as well as discovering new and exciting beers to bring to the public.  If you enjoy beer at all, this show can be informative and entertaining.  Unfortunately, the Internet is currently awash in speculation that the show has been canceled after only 5 episodes have aired and a 6th being aired some time in June.

    After having seen Beer Wars, which really introduced Sam Calgione to the public spotlight, I really looked forward to Brew Masters airing.  I think craft beer brewing and microbreweries are interesting and Sam is a guy with a really unique personality and the show is better for it.

    The blog AtlantaBeerMaster.com has posted this quote from a Discovery spokesperson :

    [Discovery Channel] is working on completing the final episode #6 of Brew Masters.  It will be airing by early spring.  They have NOT cancelled the show.  Brew Masters was slated for an initial 6 episode run.  Once the 6 are completed, Discovery Channel & Dogfish Head will evaluate the response and future direction.

    While that leaves hope that the show may continue, it sounds to me like they’ve pretty much written it off.

    Further, Anthony Bourdain, host of another Travel Channel show No Reservations, hinted at the fact that Brew Masters was canceled because Big Beer threatened to pull their ads from the Travel Channel if the show remained on the air.  This could just be speculation on his part, but No Reservations is produced by the same company as Brew Masters (Zero Point Zero Productions) so it’s possible he knows a thing or two about a thing or two.

    Whether or not this show gets canceled, you should still watch the existing episodes and if you like it, go check out Beer Wars too!

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  • Working & Playing Hard at Dogfish Head

    Today is Crafting Day on my calendar, and since we don’t have an article from Matt, Brian or Adrian, I thought I’d talk a little bit about one of my favorite craft brewers, Sam Calagione.

    Now, many of you may know Sam because of his new show, “Brew Masters”, which follows the day to day happenings of Calagione’s brewery, Dogfish Head. It’s a fun show, and it’s endeared me to Sam even more than I already was. For the record, I was familiar with Calagione prior to the show, and have been a big fan of Dogfish Head not only because of their beer, but because of Calagione’s attitude toward his business and life in general.

    I am a big supporter of work hard, play hard, and the staff of Dogfish Head seems to have that down to a science. It’s impressive to see a group of people who clearly care about the product going out and clearly love going to work everyday. And from what I’ve seen, I believe it has everything to do with the excellent work environment offered at Dogfish Head. Calagione seems to have high expectations that the people that work for him care about what they’re doing, but he also allows a high amount of creativity, silliness, and fun throughout the day. Despite the fact that good beer is serious business, how serious can you be when you work for a brewery that’s catch phrase is “Off-Centered Ales for Off-Centered People”?  That kind of open atmosphere has got to make working for Dogfish Head one of the best jobs out there.

    I’ve heard a few reviews from people who dislike “Brew Masters” because they find Calagione a bit, well, off-centered. Well, to them I say, lighten up.  You’d be that excited about life too if you were living your dream – or even if you just had that freaking tree house!

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