Tag: national beer day

  • Why We Celebrate National Beer Day

    Why We Celebrate National Beer Day

    In 1919, when Prohibition was signed into law, many people assumed that the definition of “intoxicating liquors” would not include low alcohol beer and wine, therefore, making it legal to manufacture and sell. It is likely that if this had been the case, prohibition may have been a more successful endeavor (notice I said MORE Successful, not ENTIRELY successful). However, the general public, and possibly many “dry” supporting politicians, were misled. After the passing of the amendment, the Volstead Act was written, and it defined “intoxicating liquors” as anything higher than .05% alcohol, thus making the standard 3.2% beer illegal. The public was both aghast and disappointed, and President Wilson actually vetoed it, although for separate reasons entirely from making 3.2% beer illegal.

    When the depression hit, the people began to push for legalization of 3.2% beer. Many people felt that it was their right to enjoy a drink after a long day of hard labor or looking for jobs. FDR and the democrats used the promise of beer legalization to their advantage in the 1932 election, and were successful. The Cullen-Harrison Act was enacted in Congress on March 21, 1933 and signed by FDR the next day. The act legalized 3.2% abv beer, and wine with similarly low alcohol content. The law went into effect on April 7, 1933. April 7 has henceforth been celebrated as National Beer Day.

    beer legalized

    repeal day 2

  • Drink Matron’s Top 5 Craft Beers

    Drink Matron’s Top 5 Craft Beers

    bells-oberonI love craft beer. If you find me in a bar, you will most likely find me with whatever local brew they have on tap. I’m not a dick about it, I just like beer and I like drinking stuff I’ve never had before. I wasn’t always that way, I drank Bud Light religiously for much of my early 20s. It wasn’t until I realized the bevy of what was out there, and the difference between what I liked and didn’t, that I put down the watery standard. Along the way, I’ve picked up some favorites, and since it’s National Beer Day, I thought I’d share them with you. I do not have the kind of pallet that can give you any real incite into why I like what I like, but I think my preferences are pretty solid.

    1. Oberon Ale/Bell’s Brewery, Inc.

    Bell’s Brewery’s summer seasonal is not only the first craft beer I ever loved, it also remains my favorite to this day. Smooth and fruity, it’s perfect for any summer night, especially one on the patio. I’ve been missing this brew, but now that Bell’s has come to NYC, you can be sure it will be back in my hand.

    2. Baba Organic Black Lager/Uinta Brewing Company

    This black lager hooked me the moment it touched my lips. It’s dark and creamy, but also light weight and straight up tasty. You can bet that if it’s on tap, it’s in my glass.

    3. Duvel/Duvel Moortgat

    It’s Duvel. Do I have to say more?

    4. 90 Minute IPA/Dogfish Head Craft Brewery

    Of Dogfish’s minute brews, I have found that 90 minute suits me best. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take 120 any day – I like any strong IPA – but this one is just right for me.

    5. Two Hearted IPA/Bell’s Brewery, Inc.

    It wasn’t named the best IPA in the world for nothing. If you’ve never had it, you’re either a) not in an area where it’s distributed or b) crazy or c) not into IPAs (and that’s okay, but you should still try it). The next time you see this on tap/in a store/at a bbq, etc, drink it.